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Stay Focused

How to stay focused for a long period of time?

If you’ve ever found yourself struggling to stay focused for a long period of time, you’re not alone! Long stretches of uninterrupted work can be difficult, but there are some steps you can take to help increase your focus. 

Here are five tips on how to stay focused for long periods of time:

Get Organized

Before starting any task, it’s important to have a plan in place so you know what needs to be done when. Take a few moments before starting to organize your thoughts and break down the project into smaller, achievable steps. 

Get Organized

Minimize Distractions 

Working with an environment that is free from distractions is key in helping you stay focused. So turn off the phone and computer notifications, find a quiet spot away from noisy people or areas, and remove anything else that might interrupt your work session.

Minimize Distractions, turn off the phone

Establish Deadlines 

Establishing realistic timelines for each step of your project will help keep you on track and prevent procrastination from taking hold. When possible, break large projects down into smaller tasks and set shorter deadlines for those smaller tasks so you can easily monitor your progress over time.

Establish Deadlines

Take Breaks Throughout The Day 

Studies show that taking regular breaks during periods of extended focus can help improve productivity by providing an opportunity to refresh your mind and get re-energized before getting back to work again. It doesn’t need to be a long break – even something as simple as standing up and stretching or grabbing a cup of coffee can make all the difference in keeping your energy level up! 

Take Breaks Throughout The Day

Reward Yourself Along The Way


Acknowledge small victories throughout the process so you can stay motivated until completion! Give yourself a pat on the back when reaching milestones along the way and celebrate when reaching bigger goals like completing major tasks or finishing the project altogether!



Reward Yourself Along The Way

By following these tips, staying focused for long periods of time will become easier and more enjoyable as well!

Our Yogi Fidget Toys are great help to stay focused while working long hours. You can find them in our shop.

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